Mr Wright!
Adam kommer kanske till Sverige i sommar. Vem är på att visa honom att vi "swedes" festar bättre än alla jänkare!? Här är i alla fall ett litet utdrag från vårt samtal idag. Slutade dock med att han fick ett "call" och skulle ut och jaga busar. Vem vet, kanske hamnar han i MTV's Busted någon dag, haha!
Adam - Hey you!
Emily - Well hello there!
Adam - I'm bored
Emily - So am I
Adam - You're not sitting in a patrol car on the side of the road.
Emily - No, I'm actually in a warehouse guarding nothing but crap!
Adam - That's fun! There got to be something you can do in there!? Take up roller hockey and skate around! So how about I come to Sweden this summer?
Emily - You really wanna come, cause you should! I'm getting my own apartment soon!
Adam - Oh really, is it going to be the ladies pimp pad?
Emily - It sure will be!
Adam - I'm sleeping on your couch!
Emily - No no no, VIP's like you get the master bed!
Adam - Are you coming onto me?
Emily - I don't know... am I?
Adam - Well, knowing that you're about 4000 miles away, it would be the best booty call in history! Also the most expensive!
Emily - Hahaha, you make me laugh so hard! Let's meet halfway.
Adam - The middle of the ocean?
Emily -Yeah, I'll be there in my canoe!
Goofy himself!

Hoppas han kommer!